Flute Filler – Benefits & Commercial Use

Metal roofing on residential and commercial structures is strengthened by using the ribbed profile to create adequate support for the roofing material.
What the Heck Is a Geo-Composite System and How Can It Affect My Construction Project?

As you know, Geofoam (key to a geo-composite system) is a product that works wonders for all types of projects, even those that require a special need such as a drainage system
Geofoam, Pipelines, and Earthquakes

Geofoam, pipelines and earthquakes are three words that should never be used in the same sentence.
A Brief History of EPS Geofoam

EPS Geofoam was first used in Norway in 1972. It seems that much of the terrain of Norway is comprised of precarious ground. In fact, the first project was a small bridge known as Flom Bridge, in Oslo.
Geofoam is a Global Solution

If you are new to the topic or unsure of the many uses for Geofoam, this article might be of interest to you.
Ducks Unlimited, Geofoam, and the Nation’s Wetlands

You’d have to be living under a geofoam rock not to know the value and importance in maintaining our nation’s wetlands and natural habitats.
EPS Foam Used as Insulation in Precast Concrete Wall Panels

The use of precast concrete wall panels is nothing new. In fact, precast concrete wall panels including insulation is not that new either.
Which EPS density would we need?
Knowing which EPS density (or density of EPS) is the correct one for your project may not be as easy as it may seem
Secant Pile Wall Construction
Civil engineering projects that require embedded retaining walls often rely on secant pile wall construction to accomplish the stabilization of embankments, large commercial below ground storage space (basements).
Could Geofoam save a community?
Even though Expanded Polystyrene (EPS or Geofoam) has been around for more than a century, when it comes up in conversations, people instinctively think of disposable coffee cups, disposable coolers and packaging peanuts.